(June 17, 2018, 11:19 am)
I am a daily customer of circle k, my family has been coming to this particular building for decades under all the different names it has been under, I even had a aunt who was the manager back in the 80's but tonight I was humiliated because the clerk yelled out at me in front of other customers as I entered the store saying I had to leave and I was no longer welcomed there, when I asked why he labeled me a thief and said that the manager accused me of such, the managers name is Sal but unfortunately I didn't think to ask the clerk his name. I am a 47 year old woman and yes I am homeless, I enter the store daily with honest money I acquire from selling merchandise that I dumpster dive for, I do not appreciate the slander and humiliation upon my name and face, I can bring forth at least 10 people easily who will vouch for the fact that I have never entered an establishment and stolen from there, this is something that is in my core. My name is Melodie Dresch and I would like this slander done to me personally corrected. Your manager needs to be taught as well as the employees under him what slander and defamation of character means, along with public humiliation. Thank you
I would like to say that everything has been settled, mistake was made along with their apologies and once again this particular convenience store along with the employees is once again my favorite. Thank you