(May 22, 2019, 6:12 pm)
Domino's has always been my favorite pizza place UNFORTUNATELY getting it delivered correctly is impossible. I have NEVER had it delivered & everything be correct. I ALWAYS order the sides of Ranch & Marinara and I ALWAYS pay for the sides but I NEVER get the sides. Friends ask why I continue to do it & it's because I have faith in my FAVORITE PIZZA JOINT to get it correct (eventually). Today we (work/the office) chose Domino's for lunch...AGAIN I am putting faith in them to get my order correct. I will continue this after receiving my order.
Instead of creating another review, I am just adding to previous. I am happy to say, every single Ranch & Marinara were delivered...unfortunately my salad wasn't. The delivery guy was as sweet & sorry as he could have possibly been and I know mistakes happen. I think from now on, I am just ordering pizza...no sides, no extras, no mistakes...a girl can dream.